Episode 1 Dorothea Puente the Landlady of Death

 Episode 1 Dororthea Puente, the Landlady of Death

Dorothea Puente (Death House Landlady) 

The background 

  • Dorothea Helen Gray, or better known as Dorothea Puente or the Death House Landlady 

  • Was born January 9th 1929 in Redlands, California 

  • To Trudy Mae and Jesse James Gray 


  • Dorothea and her siblings had a really rough childhood 

  • Both Trudy and Jesse were alcoholics 

  • Jesse often would threaten to end his life in front of the kids 

  • By 1937, Jesse had passed away from tuberculosis 


  • Not long after in 1938 Trudy had lost custody of all the children 

  • Which resulted in them being sent to an orphanage  

  • During the Puente children’s stay at the orphanage, they experienced sexual assault 

  • Trudy passed in a motorcycle accident at the end of 1938 


  • In 1945 at the age of 16, Dorothea married her first husband 

  • Fred McFaul, a WW2 soldier, who had just returned from the Pacific Theater 

  • Between 1946 and 1948 they had two children together 

  • Dorothea had sent one of them to stay with family in Sacramento, Cali 

  • And the other child was put up for adoption 

  • Fred and Dorothea had split up by 1948, when Dorothea experienced a miscarriage 


  • Riverside, Cali 1948, Dorothea has been arrested for using fake cheques and buying stuff with them 

  • She had been charged with two counts of forgery and pled guilty 

  • She served 4 months of jail time and 3 years of probation time 


  • In 1952, Axel Bran Johansson, a merchant marine from San Fransico 

  • Had asked Dorothea to marry him, and she said yes to her second husband! 

  • She would use an alias, saying she was a Muslim of Egyptian and Israel decent named “Teya Singoalla Neyaarda”  

  • Dorothea and Axel had a really tempestuous marriage 

  • When Axel would leave for sea 

  • Dorothea would invite random men over and gamble all of Axel’s money 


  • In 1960 Dorothea was arrested in Sacramento, but this time it was for running a brothel under an alias of a bookkeeping firm 

  • She was found guilty in trial and sentenced to 90 days of jail time in the county jail 

  • In 1961 Axel had Dorothea committed to DeWitt State Hospital (a WW2 US army hospital) 

  • For excessive drinking, lying, criminal acts, and attempted suicide multiple times 

  • During her stay the doctors examined her and ran test, she had been diagnosed with Mythomania (chronic liar), and an unstable personality 


  • By 1966, Axel and Dorothea had divorced, and she continued to keep her last name as Johansson for a little bit 

  • She told people her name was Sharon Johansson, portraying herself as a good Christian woman 

  • Everyone around her knew her as a kind hearted women, who helped young women in abusive situations and poverty by letting them stay with her free of charge 


  • In 1968 she married her third husband, Roberto Jose Puente 

  • After 16 months of marriage, the couple had separated  

  • And in 1967, Dorothea had served Roberto with divorce papers 

  • The reasoning for separation was abusive 

  • But before Roberto could get the papers, he had already peaced out to Mexico 

  • It wasn’t until 1973 when the divorce was finalized and complete 

  • But Dorothea continued to use the last name Puente for over 20 years 


  • After her divorce, Dorothea decided to run a boarding house in Sacramento, for troubled souls 

  • People who were victims of alcoholism, mental illness, and homelessness 

  • AA meetings were held at the boarding house 

  • And Dorothea would even help people sign up for Social Security Benefits 

  • Social Security Benefits OA SDI (old-age, survivors, disability insurance...American welfare) 

  • She would dress in vintage clothing, big glasses, her hair in a big bun and appear as this wholesome old lady 

  • Dorothea was a big member of the Hispanic community, by funding local charities, and programs 


  • She married her fourth husband Pedro Angel Montalvo, who abandoned her after 1 week of marriage 


  • In 1978 she was arrested and charged for cashing in 34 checks that were for her tenants 

  • She received 5 years' probation, and a 4000$ fine to pay back the money 

The Murders and other crimes 

  • In 1982 Dorothea had rented one of her rooms to her friend Ruth Monroe 

  • Ruth was lovely, and had a terminally ill husband 

  • And Dorothea had a bad habit of asking Ruth for money before the move 

  • Not long after Ruth had moved in, she was found deceased from and over dose on codeine and Tylenol 

  • Autopsy found out Ruth’s body was pumped full of drugs 

  • Dorothea had told the police Ruth was extremely depressed about her husband's illness 

  • The police believed her and ruled Ruth’s death as a suicide 


  • Ruth’s children, came out speaking of the odd behaviours between their mother and Dorothea the last 3 days of Ruth’s life 

  • They noticed their mother drinking 

  • She never drank as it made her sick due to an allergy to it 

  • Ruth and Dorothea said the drinks were cream de mint and it would help Ruth sleep better 

  • The day before Ruth’s passing, her son went by to visit her 

  • Dorothea explained Ruth was in bed, not feeling the best 

  • Ruth’s son insisted on seeing his mother and went to her room and sat on her bed with her 

  • He was comforting her and noticed she was just lying there with her eyes open crying 

  • He just assumed his mother was upset about their father and continued to comfort her  

  • The next day, Dorothea called Ruth’s children and told them to come by and collect their mothers' belongings as she had passed 

  • When they went over to grab her stuff, all Dorothea handed them was an empty purse 

  • She claimed their mother left all her jewelry and money to Dorothea 


  • Ruth’s children went to the police about all the suspicious activities going on at Dorothea’s boarding house 

  • Workers and the police started doing routine checks on Dorothea’s boarding house 

  • But Dorothea always knew the right thing to say and how to manipulate people off her trail 

  • For years this woman was portraying an experienced health care worker, when she never even owned a medical degree 


  • The cops soon returned to Dorothea’s house not long after Ruth’s passing 

  • As 74-year-old Malcom McKenzie pressed charges against her. 

  • They had met in a bar, and Malcom had invited her to his place 

  • Once they arrived and started having drinks Malcom felt a bit woozy 

  • When he was unable to move, Dorothea took the advantage and robbed him of his belongings 

  • Including the ring off his finger 

  • All while Malcom was paralyzed conscious on the floor 

  • She was also still serving her 5-year probation 

  • Dorothea was charged with 3 counts of theft and 5 years of jail time 


  • In prison she started a pen pal-ship with 77-year-old Everson Gillmouth 

  • They communicated during her incarceration and met outside the prison in his red Ford pickup truck when she was released 3 years into her sentence in 1985 

  • Not long after their relationship blossomed and they started having the wedding talk 

  • That November she hired a man Ismael Florez, to help build her a wooden storage box for books and such 

  • For his help, she paid him 800$ and gave him a red Ford pickup truck 

  • Her excuse was it was her boyfriend's truck who lives in LA and no longer needs it 

  • Ismael built her a 6x3x2 foot box, that she requested 

  • She asked Ismael to help her remove the box from her house as it was heavy after putting all those books inside  

  • They come to the Garden Highway in Sutter County 

  • Where they leave the box of BoOkS aNd SuCh next to a riverbank 

  • NYD 1986 a fisherman was out fishing and saw a sus box along the riverbank and called 911 

  • When police arrived and inspected the box, to their surprise was a dead body inside 

  • The body was severely decomposed, making it almost impossible to identify the person, making them a John Doe 

  • They can tell though, that it’s a senior male 

  • Dorothea would write letters to Everson’s family explaining he is ill and that is why he is unavailable to write back to them 


  • Dorothea rented the boarding house to 40 tenants until her arrest 

  • She would take the more troublesome cases, like drug, alcohol and abusive tenants 

  • She would even collect the tenants mail and take a cut of their insurance money and give them almost nothing while she pocketed the remaining money 

  • During these few years, she had been visited multiple times by her parole officer telling her to stay away from elderly people and handling other people’s money 

  • But no violations of her parole were ever noted 

  • Dorothea had “Adopted” a homeless man “Chief” and had him help her around the property 

  • She had Chief dig in her basement and move soil and garbage out of the house 

  • Her basement had a cement floor 

  • Chief helped her with a garage in her backyard and put a concrete floor in the garage 

  • Not long after Neighbours noticed Chief had just disappeared 

The Arrest 

  • In 1988 Dorothea had a tenant named Bert Montoya 

  • Bert had a developmental disability and schizophrenia 

  • He was very scared of boarding houses and it took a lot for his social workers to find him a good boarding house 

  • They had been referred to Dorothea who had a room with a tv and a recliner chair waiting for Bert 

  • When they had everything set up, Dorothea offered to be a payee and cosigner of Bert’s if need be 

  • Bert’s social worker, told Dorothea she would be keeping tabs on Bert during his stay 


  • Bert’s social worker had contacted Dorothea one day asking where Bert was 

  • She explained he had come to Mexico with people 

  • Well. . . Bert’s social worker was like no fucking way that happened, I'm calling the police and reporting him missing 

  • Which is exactly what she did 

  • When the social worker arrived looking for Bert 

  • Bert’s worker asked another tenant John, if Bert was in Mexico and her replied no 

  • Something weird is going on, she is digging holes in the yard 

  • Dorothea explained he had gone to Mexico and when he returned his family came to pick him up 


  • When Police arrived after getting the call from Bert’s social worker 

  • They did a background check on her and noticed she had a bad criminal habit of drugging, theft and forging checks 

  • When they walked up to Dorothea, she told her parole officer she violated her parole 

  • They asked to search her property and she agreed, so they started searching her house 

  • They found blue pills all over her house and the calendar was even marked “Bert’s gone!” as if she knew they would see the calendar 


  • Bert’s social worker, requested they dig in the yard as she had a bad feeling he was under the dirt 

  • And there were also freshly dug holes around the yard 

  • The police asked if that was okay and Dorothea once again agreed to them digging in her yard 

  • As they started digging, they came across garbage, and smoke butts, eggshells 

  • They also found this weird leathery fabric in the dirt, they compared it to beef jerky 

  • When they hit something hard, they discovered a femur 

  • That was still attached to the rest of a body 

  • After testing, they discovered the beef jerky material was actually skin that had come off the body they found 


  • Dorothea was arrested and questioned 

  • She denied any involvement with the death of the body they found 

  • Claimed she had no knowledge the body was even there 

  • The police hired an anthropologist to assist with the dirt and bones being found 

  • When they returned to Dorothea’s house to finish digging her yard up  

  • She asked if she could get a coffee across the street at the hotel with her nephew who is staying there 

  • The detective allows her to go, as at that moment she wasn’t arrested or charged with anything and denied having the involvement 

  • I mean who would believe a tiny old lady to kill someone 


  • Well. . . They ended up finding another body 

  • They went to get Dorothea because this time she had to fucking know about the bodies 

  • And she was gone, she had fled really fast out of there 

  • The detective realized his mistake and they soon put a warrant for her arrest out 

  • She was on the wanted list for a bit there 

  • They continued to dig up her yard as it was now a very active crime scene 

  • And soon found Bert buried along with 5 more bodies, bringing the total to 7 

  • Every victim that was buried was drugged, left in the fetal position and wrapped in table cloth and duct taped 


  • The police interviewed the other tenants, along with John 

  • Who told them his experience and how she asked him to lie to the workers about Bert 

  • The police also discovered in the living of her house, that the floor had two carpets on top one another 

  • When they lifted the rugs up, they discovered left over bodily fluids on the floor 


  • Dorothea had fled to LA and was soon arrested by the LAPD at a bar from customers recognizing her off the TV 

  • After being brought back to Sacramento she was charged with the 7 murders 

  • The police soon picked up on the similarities of Ruth Monroes death and charged her with that murder as well bringing it to 8 

  • Emerson’s family also came forward to the police when they heard about Dorothea on the news 

  • And mentioned their father's disappearance 

  • Soon the police put two and two together and figured out Emerson was the John Doe in the Riverside box 

  • When they noticed the similarities, they through that murder on Dorothea as well, bringing her total up to 9! 

  • The bodies found belonged to: Everson Gillmouth, 77; Ruth Monroe, 61; Leona Carpenter, 78; Alvaro “Bert/Alberto” Gonzales Montoya, 51; Dorothy Miller, 64; Benjamin Fink, 55; James Gallop, 62; Vera Faye Martin, 64; and Betty Palmer, 78 


  • Dorothea never admitted to killing anyone 

  • But did admit to digging the holes for the very sick tenants she had 

  • As she was scared and didn’t know what to do because she was an old lady on probation 

  • The jury tried hard to continue portraying her as a helpful old lady, but no one bought it 

  • Mental health experts were involved with the trial 

  • And used her traumatically abusive childhood as her motivation for helping people 

  • But after a mistrial over the jury being unable to make an agreement on her involvement with every victim's demise 

  • Dorothea was convicted of 3 murders and received two life sentences in prison without parole 

Fun Facts 

  • Dorothea lied about her age to everyone, portrayed herself as 70-year-old women when she was actually closer to 50 

  • She was bold for a serial killer 

  • Not only was she in a very populated and busy city of California 

  • But she managed to kill and bury people in her own fucking yard without people noticing 

  • Dorothea would donate her victims clothing to charities around Sacramento 

  • Dorothea passed March 27th 2011, from natural causes at the age of 82 

  • Her story was featured in Netlix’s show “Worse Roomate Ever-Call Me Grandma” 

  • She did tell some people to call her grandma. . . ick 

  • Ghost Adventures has investigated her boarding house in 2015 after people had reported seeing spirits of the people who had passed and Dorothea herself 

Last Thoughts 

  • A lot of people believe Dorothea Puente killed for power and money 

  • She liked being superior to people she could control 

  • And she was pretty handsy with people's money 

Netflix “Worse Roommate Ever-Call Me Grandma” 

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